Looking for a Jap/Korean Drama? - young jap chikans
I am looking for a special Japanese Korean drama /. It is reminiscent of the old, not really, the year when I was young. Guess what's 90
But I remember him especially for a girl. Her mother died when she was young. She is in love with a guy. There is no love in this conflict, because the child is a GF or something has. The people have been killed. There is an "M at each crime scene and police began to suspect she is the daughter of these people and the" M "is the" mother "or his name to kill (which begins with M).
One scene in particular I remember when the child is the position of the bed of his GF. and GF instructed to say "I love you" again and again.
We hope you can help.
Young Jap Chikans Looking For A Jap/Korean Drama?
12:58 PM
hmmm, when you seem the deck of the theater, or people who they played, I know read the archives of the Korean drama Webiste: http://www.mykofan.com/
Simply place your mouse over the tab "drama" and click "Files. I hope you recognize the tragedy that will be sought to that!
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